Sunday, February 14, 2016

The Beauty of Snakes:  via ....rach, rachel, sheri, steven jarrot, between faces, or masks 7603601613 fakes...Eyes Open, Third Set In A Box, Pictures To Last, longer than a minute, tales every shot. Good times, parties for the rewards, sinners and saints.  Third party views, and that's where we stop counting views in place, have extra views to share, good time to write up. Thanks for your help, lasting  impressions made, love and hate, horns on goats, hurt and broken, earth angel then, was nice, kind, and understanding, once, back in the day. My aunt :LLissa Desilva, said  she loved you then, the stories  told to keep fires burning, she she to  tell you thanks again. Blue  birds  notes in dogwood  trees. 

Every day about survival, my rivals, my gods, man to man, sex up in airs. Moot to date, moot to changes, moot to mountain to climb. To cum and to go, dreams on sands of time, life is a gift. Time to praises pretty productive people, maps to sunshine. Trips to the moon, seven seas, seven seasons, seven snakes, in the light, blinded.Colors at the end of the rainbows, birds and bees, dogwood butterflies dancing in the trees.

Green cash, green luck, green backs, rewards and bonus on acts and wishes, dreams in motion. Monkeys swing from dogwood trees, biblical tales to spin, American Birds on hands, stars and wishes.  Dances in the rain, dances in the dark, to dream to dance, life is a beach. Every day about survival, my rivals, my gods, man to man, sex up in airs. Moot to date, moot to changes, moot to mountain to climb. To cum and to go, dreams on sands of time, life is a gift. Time to praises pretty productive people, maps to sunshine. Trips to the moon, seven seas, seven seasons, seven snakes, in the light, blinded.

Image result for sinners

Back in the day, March thought May 19, 2013:  History recorded, views to share, recapitulation, reflections, things over and done, turning more pages, getting back up. Third party views.  Just like daddy she has not learned that you cannot stop time and expect things to wait for you and not change. Not in this world is how it works. Not only is this the bald baby of Steven Jay Jarrot, and the cow that begat her the hairdresser of 53205 Avienda Ramiriz in La Quinta, California, crocks, thieves and liars, but they can justified everything that they do and point the fingers at others.

According to Sheri Jarrot, the fag hag, Upland, CA? The actions and the behavior of this family, was it Steven Jay Jarrot, who gave the commands for the money spent of LLissa Desilva to give to his kid. He did not know the meaning of the word love ever it appears with his actions. Steven  Jarrot, wanted LLissa Desilva dead, and he wanted her money to make his lifestyle better. He was and still is a meth head, and his world is ruled with this drug, he wanted LLissa to stave to death. On May 5, 2013 he made statement that death would be welcome for him during a fire that almost killed both of them (Steven and LLissa), in a RV that caught on fire in Redlands, California in August of 2012.

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