Statements Waves Blue Dates Blessing not Lessons.I saw that you were perfect and so. Then I saw that you were not perfect.Fairy Tales:Game Over. Snakes in the Grass..Adams, Steven Jarrot, Charles R. Jarrot, crooks and liars. Happy Friday, happy birthday, notes to share, good times. Delighted to smiles, joys and pains, bumps in the road. Thanks for tales and stories online, tips to share. Ready for a new day with brighter tomorrows, and peace and joy for those that enjoy being with others for the company, not items to steal for the new family and friends you may encounter alone or with others in your path that you are on. Peace, Joy and happiness is what I wish for the others that have room in hearts and minds of the good, just, and righteous, that are here to lead others to greatness, without taking candy from the babes in arms. Looking for the right thing to do, so that you can get the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, is something for everyone that lives and gives back.
Horse and Pony Shows, Clowns have left, poker playerd to the right. Not a Free Ride. Rides along the way, are just a detour of the things that you would like to do but do not want to take the time to consider, because you are not in control of the pace. It is a matter of letting the cows out. So that the cows can come home, only if they are unable to find a new field of grass, and learn how to talk your way into the things that you cannot afford. It is not just a state of mind it is a way of life for so many. It is not a time to talk about what you know it is about what you would like to know.
Moot, in the end, and the views to be kept in the houses only of the choose few that live and sing songs, about the charms and wits that are given as gifts of peace and love by the sea, RV Campers and cheaters, thieves, and blazers for lost causes, and have fingers in place to point at others for the reasons that shame and disgraces were acts or deeds to turn the other face and put another mask on for the seasons to come.
This year’s festival has brought together, not just Hollywood’s elite but the international film community in general and after the festival ends on May 22nd, plans will already be in the works for movie deals for the coming years. So yes while the fashion is pretty amazing and we may see some looks worth copying and the celebrity gossip that is an inevitable part of any big film festival is enticing, it’s really all about the business of films. At Cannes this year, as in years past, films are the real stars. You have to love that about the French, they have a talent for keeping things classy! Wait how many Kardashians are attending this year?
ReplyDeleteHomeless veterans find a safe haven with Passageways....America's coasts.Marines In Best Suit, Uncle Sam, Birds