When We Were Young:Dances On The Sands Of Time.Daily Events: Lessons, Love, Luck, Tests Over Times: Paths Crossed: Trades.Remember that. Keep going.Be mindful of your behavior and how you. IN TOWN . Believe or Deceive? Why Liars Are Difficult to Sniff Out -Disneyland, Police State Of Crooks, Rats In Gloves, Wave Of Voices, Voices, Values, Dances With Wolves.Happy Birthday Pilar!
Ozzie's Cow Wisdom For Life's Little Beefs.: Over The Decades:Paths To Cross,Roads Traveled.Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.Fruits and Nuts:WHISKEY MAKES YOU THINK YOU'RE SMARTER THAN YOU ARE.
Good ties, good times, good luck, singing in the rain, singing in the dark. Happy Dazes, Happy Friday, Happy Holiday to the masses.Layers Of Mud, Shit, Dung, Fecal Matters. Good Time Frogs: Dime To Drop, Dim, Dense, Dumb, Faces In And Out Of Time. Glory Dazes In The Horse And Pony Shows. SIMA JARROT, QUEER, STEER, COW Wales. STILL DOES TRICKS: AT AGE 88. Free Milk, Why Buy The Cows:American Girl:The Struggle" - This is Where Bad Times . Read, right, or wrong, you only have one life. Veterans To Date.Still hoping . WAYS TO GROW. MORE MOUNTAINS LEFT TO CLIMB.ATTENTION: WALMART SHOPPERS.FACTS vs MYTHS. In like Flynn,Times on the cross, trips to hell and back.Rachel Gay Jarrot: UCLA-5 Stars for a frog, for a dyke, for a sucker or licker of pussy just like sire: Steven Jay Jarrot, in North Ortarion with Sheri Jarrot-fag hag 1 or best in tribe. Married a gay man and never knew? Just a little short- in brains, wits, and pussy happy with gay husband for years.
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